Saturday, August 31, 2019

Bullying Essay

Since the hands of time school bullying has been a problem in the school system, recently adding a new layer due to the advances of technology, innovations that challenge the whole infrastructure of educational purpose. Precomputers and cell phones, bullying could only be classified as physical or psychologically abuse on someone that could only be inflicted by face to face contact. Now in today technology age forms a new way of bullying without actually being in the same room or even knowing the individual. Bullying use to consist of physical beating or embarrassment like putting a kid in the garbage can but technology, created to further enhance the mind, became another distraction for the mind because bullying can be done from a distance you don’t even have to be in the same state or even know the person which makes it more difficult on the victim. Every pro has a con and in this case a major one, this method of bullying may be more traumatizing so I will compare and contrast the two types of bullying. This paper will make you decide what side is worse and will show you the comparison but after reading you should want to put a stop to bullying. First, let’s start with physical bullying because of the fact it was the first form of it. In past years, bullying consisted on the size and popularity of someone being less than the so called â€Å"cool† crowd. As time progress formed the mental aspect of bullying, which I feel is more detrimental. My mind is the actual driving for my body that controls our way of living, lower the self-esteem of an individual actually hurts more than any physical blow you could muster up. The progression of using the mental aspect of bullying became more popular because children subconsciously know what hurt more and prey on it. Cyber bulling is usually done by someone who is jealous of another and wants to embarrass them this form is mostly used in high school. Posting embarrassing pictures or videos on social network is common example this is so affective because everyone has a Facebook or twitter in today’s society so more eyes see it making it harder for the victim to overcome it. Secondly, although physical bullying is very harmful it’s also less abusive than cyber bullying because of a number of reasons; first off, with physical bullying you know of your actual bully enforcing the problem. With that information you could eventually take a stand and take of the problem yourself or ask for assistance from your guidance teacher or someone with authority. Also physical bullying and physiological bullying pretechnology didn’t in my opinion last too long. The time frame didn’t last long because before the bully usually bullied multiple people kind of taking the pressure off of you faster than just one individual. All emotions have a time limit in which time could only heal, so physical and mental wounds healed faster pretechnology than it do today. Traditional bullying has to be stopped because some kids are afraid to go to school because of the physical bullying this consist of taking lunch money, tripping or pushing in the hall or into lockers, knocking buts down to cause embarrassment even teasing people because of their weight or clothes is a form of traditional bullying and believe it or not traditional bullying affects the rates of students not graduating because they are fed up and can’t take it no more so they drop out of school. Finally, the most interesting fact of traditional bullying is why they do it. Statistics say most people who bully people have or are being bullied in their life. This interesting because if a person knows how that makes another human feel why they would force the hurt and miserable life on others. Bullies also bully because of problems at home like child abuse so they take it out on other peers. Stress can also cause people to bully because they so filled up with anger and having no one to talk to the result to bullying. Physical bullying is not only in schools it also at jobs to but no matter where you can find it at it needs to be a stop to it because it makes people miserable. Basically all traditional bullying problems are within the bully it has to do with their emotion they release on others. Physical bullying is more painful and life threating then cyber bullying and it also builds a sense a fear because they know the actual person bullying them, this can have a tremendous affect in people life because it lowers self-esteem. These are reason why traditional bullying is still affective if authorities use this to get to the bottom of bullying it can be decreased or even voided but being that our world is so advanced the bullying we should be worried about is cyber bullying which is more common because of technology. Cyber bullying has taken away some of the toughness of bullying because now you could do it from miles or even country spans away. Technology really up the antics making it more widespread than ever, with cell phones, tablets, and lap top along with the allegiance of social networking a rumor spread like a virus in its effect. A simple text became a new viral experiment that went wrong once adolescent got their hands on it. Same agenda chasing popularity and fame, but lost the ability to challenge someone face to face is one of the scariest evolvements of technology. Now you, in most cases, don’t even know who’s bullying you making it harder to pin point the problem in which it started. Cyber bullying is still a form of bullying but it’s just the mental aspect either way the victim still feels the pain. Internet bullying causes low self-esteem, emotion distress, and total embarrassment where as traditional bullying can cause emotional problems but is mostly physical pain more of the punching and physical contact end. Cyber bullying will get worse before it get better, new policies are in place but do little to change the outcome which come to the conclusion that cyber is nowhere near its peak. Internet bullying has taken away from the physical aspect but the emotional aspect of cyber bullying is far worse. Since technology is the face of the world so cyber bullying is so powerful rumors, gossips, and pictures can be uploaded on the web in seconds. There is several reports some are local about high schools uploading a naked picture of a girl on Facebook or sending to phone to phone in high school and this can lead to horrible emotions or dropping out of school do to humiliation. Even bigger all over the news a Rutgers University student committed suicide because of cyber bullying. He was secretly filmed kissing another male and his roommate puts the video on twitter with the caption â€Å"just found out my roommate is gay†. This was obviously something the student wasn’t ready to tell the world so with built up emotions he jumped off the George Washington Bridge. Clementi death bought national and international issue to cyber bullying and the struggles it’s facing. But it shouldn’t take death of a student to realize the degree of cyber bullying its pros and cons to both types of bullying I just feel cyber bullying is worse because of the generation we live in today and technology is so powerful in seconds the world can see what someone uploaded on the web. Finally, the most important fact of cyber bullying is the reason why they do it because it can be ended if we address it. These reason differ from physical bullying because it to different types of bullying. Cyber bullying comes from people who are jealous of your lifestyle and want to ruin it because their life isn’t as well as yours. Cyber bullying is also triggered by peer pressure they want to be â€Å"cool† and do what everyone else is doing but maybe if people put themselves in the victim shoes they wouldn’t do it. The most common one is from teenagers and their peers they take cyber bullying as a joke or for fun and they also think they will earn respect but who would or should respect anybody who lessens someone as a person. No matter what end of the bullying your child is on, you need to make sure that you are doing your part to prevent and stop this because bullying is a serious matter. Even though the two types of bullying have pros and cons the different types of bullying cause different types of insecurities to others but they all are tremendous and all are major and it’s up to peers, adults, and society to stop bullying. â€Å"Bullying builds character like nuclear waste creates superheroes. It’s a rare occurrence and often does much more damage than endowment. †

Friday, August 30, 2019

Public Health Care Policy Essay

The bill I have chosen to examine is bill H. R. 1983: States’ Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act. This bill was sponsored by Barney Frank from Massachusetts. This bill calls for a rescheduling of marijuana and to defer each states ruling on its’ medical use. This bill would change federal laws to prohibit arrest or harassment of patients prescribed marijuana in any state that the state law allows. There would be minimal cost in implementing this bill as the federal government is spending a large amount of funds to enforce this law as well as hold prisoners in facilities. Currently there is a conflict between some state and federal laws on the subject of medical marijuana. According to there are currently no organizations opposing this bill, while it lists several organizations endorsing it. Currently the organizations endorsing this bill are the National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws, Marijuana Policy Project, the Drug Policy Alliance, Americans for Safe Access, Americans For Forfeiture Reform, and WinLiberty. This bill, in my opinion, will affect the health care economy greatly. If this bill passes it will, in essence, create a new drug for the medical world. Currently, patients that are prescribed marijuana are in danger of getting arrested or harassed by the federal government whether the patients state laws allow it or not. This bill will give power to the state. If this bill passes, it will bring a new drug to the arena of medical drugs without the cost of developing the drug. Most new drugs that enter the market are patented to give incentive to pay high costs for research and development, while marijuana has already been created, researched, and developed. The barrier to entry will be low as marijuana is low in cost to grow and is in high demand. If H.R. 1983 passes, the public living in states that allow medical marijuana will be free of fear of punishment of the federal government, which will lower the â€Å"price† of being prescribed marijuana in allowing states. The demand for marijuana would increase and lead to an increase in supply. It would enable the market to balance itself out to the equilibrium of supply and demand. Since there is no patent on the drug, barriers to entry would be minimal. With the cost so high to sell and buy marijuana for any use, other substitutes for marijuana are able to increase their prices. The demand is high for pain management, appetite enhancers, as well as anxiety medicine leading to high prices for drugs such as Valium, Vicodin, Lortab, Percocet , and others which marijuana has been shown to be used for substitutes. If the government would allow states to rule on the legality of marijuana, the drug would become easier to buy and sell in certain states. This would lead to lower barriers to entry and cost of selling bringing prices down for all marijuana substitutes. Currently, the federal government is artificially holding back the supply of the drug and the buyers, leading to dead weight loss. This policy will allow those who would like to supply the drug but don’t want to pay the high price to enter the market and lower the price that consumers have to pay to buy marijuana. The government will also save money currently being spent on enforcement of marijuana control. I believe the government is being asked to pass this bill because consumers, sellers, and the government benefit from this bill being passed; lower costs for all three, lessening dead weight loss, and increasing income toward the government in sales tax. The losers in this bill could possibly be suppliers of marijuana substitutes. They will be forced to lower their prices to compensate for higher supply of their drugs substitute. There could possibly be many externalities of the legalization of marijuana. With marijuana having a lower cost, cigar and cigarette smokers could move to smoking marijuana instead of tobacco. Fines may be created for driving under the influence of the drug as we have with alcohol. There would be more research toward marijuana for the health risks and benefits. Based on my analysis of this bill, I see more positive effects than negative. There would most likely be other externalities that have not been listed, and there may be other issues of drug control that would have to be implemented. In my opinion, giving the states’ rights to legalize or enforce control is a cheaper more efficient way to manage the market for marijuana.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Historical Relationship of the Chinese and Tibetan People (The Chinese Essay

Historical Relationship of the Chinese and Tibetan People (The Chinese Invasion and Agreement 1949-51) - Essay Example The new economical and political order was created during the Soviet Union; thus China experienced comparatively immovability since the commencement of the Opium War. In 1950s, the 1People’s Republic of China (PRC) undertook a massive relative stability and social reconstruction that was desperately welcomed by the mass that early were waiting for political and economic stability. The Chinese troops invaded Tibet; thereby contributing to sudden and violent issues. The exclusive brand on Buddhism created the core of Tibetan culture and society; hence this was a drastic contrast to the anti-region principles of the Chinese communists; therefore, Tibet’s spiritual and temporal leader fled into exile in India during the dawn of Chinese invasion. The remarkable culture and inhabitants of Tibet have been drastically persecuted; thus China’s anger in Tibet was seen as more brutal and inhuman than any other communist regime across the globe. Chinese invasion in Tibet The Chinese invasion of Tibet was one of the historical issues that have been focused by historians. However, despite the Chinese invasion and varied policies that were implemented and designed to assimilate Tibetans, as well as, destroy their separate national, religious and cultural identities, Tibetans people have always been determined in preserving their freedom and heritage; the 2newly created communist government in China sent troops to attack Tibet in 1949 to 1950. The agreement was forced on the government of Tibet granting sovereignty over Tibet but recognizing the Tibetan government’s independence with respect to the internal affairs of Tibet; the Tibet dishonored the agreement imposed by the Chinese and this opened confrontation to their rule, which increased; thus contributing to the state Uprising in 1959. The issue of China invasion made the international community to react with shock towards the Tibet shocking events. Many international communities such as the Un ited Nations organized the general assembly where they discussed the Tibet events on several occasions. They passed three decrees during the general congregation where they condemned China for violating the rights of human beings in Tibet; thus, the United Nation called the nation of China to value the human rights of Tibetans. The obliteration of ethnicity and heritage, as well as, coercion of Tibet people was vicious during the year 1951. The increased oppression and violation of human right of Tibetans contribute to national uprising where many Tibetans died as a result of Chinese policies. Many properties, temples, historical buildings and many other places were destroyed due to China inversion issues. The Communist Party general secretary was alarmed to the extent of destruction in Tibet after the period of his visit to Tibet; thus he called for serious and drastic political reforms. Alexander Solzhenitsyn was portrayed as atrocious and cruel leader of the Chinese administratio n than any other communist system. However, political and policy reform led to significant changes that came very slowly after 1979. Seventeen Point Agreement for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet The Chinese invasion in Tibet led to varied changes and policy reforms; thus the 17 point Agreement for

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Olympia, ancient game effect art and religion and vice versa Research Paper

Olympia, ancient game effect art and religion and vice versa - Research Paper Example These religious rituals ultimately transformed into Olympic Games1. Nothing exactly can be said about the occurrence of the first Olympic Games. However, it is believed that Olympic Games were held first time in 776 B.C. To some extent, Olympic Games helped to change the war-like situation among the city states into a temporary peace as Sparta, the most aggressive city state, used to lull sending its warriors into battle until the games are over. This tradition was followed by other city states in true letter and spirit. Surprisingly, women had been forbidden to take part in the games. Death penalty was awarded to them even if they watched these games. However, in 396 B.C., a woman from Rhodes broke this tradition by watching Olympic Games. According to narrated story, his husband died before the event and hence she prepared her son for the boxing competition. She watched the game of her son in disguised as man but caught after jubilant shouts. Her death penalty was pardoned as a special case. Milo of Croton was considered as the greatest athlete of ancient games. He won the wrestling crown six times in 500 B.C. It is narrated that he was so powerful that he used to carry a full grown bull on his shoulders. Artists from all over the Greek used to witness the event. The famous Greek poet, Pindar wrote many odes narrating the capabilities and potential of the winners of the game. The buildings which were constructed in Olympia portrayed the rich heritage of Greek architecture2. There was a strong relationship among Olympic Games, religion and art in ancient times as well as in modern day of the games. The charter of modern Olympic Games coined a term ‘Olympism’ that it defines as â€Å"a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind†. Thus, the term ‘Olympism’ describe a religion without divinity3. The Olympic Games in Greek were being played with

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

To what extent do you think that Islamic political thought can be Essay

To what extent do you think that Islamic political thought can be reconciled with democracy - Essay Example In the analysis, different theories of democracy in the western world are given, and also, different approaches of Muslims to democracy are analysed. Then, after analysing one of the common arguments on Islam and democracy, an argument is built to show that the basic tenets of democracy and Islamic political thought are incompatible, and therefore, Islamic political thought and democracy are not compatible. Finally, a conclusion is made based on the findings in the paper. To what extent do you think that Islamic political thought can be reconciled with democracy? Before we explore and critically evaluate both arguments for and against the idea that Islam and democracy are, indeed, incompatible, it is necessary to first define and explain Islamic political thought, and the meaning of Democracy in the western world. This will enable us to give an objective and well considered opinion on the issue. First, let us look at the Islamic political thought as elucidated and practiced by Islami c movements such as Islamic brotherhood. The Islamic brotherhood movement, also known as, Hizb al-Ikhwan al-Muslimum, is one of the oldest and largest Islamic movements in the world, known for a supporting Jihad war all over the world (Muslim Brotherhood Movement, online). Some of the main objectives of this movement are to promote the socio-political integration of all Muslims in the world, to protect Islam as a religion, and to promote the economic well-being of all the Muslims in the world. However, besides these noble objectives of the movement, the main object of the Islamic Brotherhood movement is to subjugate the entire world to the Sharia law, which is the main Islamic law. The motto of the movements clearly summarizes the main objective of the movement (Muslim Brotherhood movement, online): Allah is our objective The prophet is our leader The Quran is our law Jihad is our way Dying in the way of Allah is our highest Hope. As it is clear from this motto, for the adherents of the Muslim Brotherhood movement, Allah is the supreme leader of the Muslims and Sharia is the main law or the constitution of the Muslims. And, although, the Muslim Brotherhood movement has exhibited some elements of extremism and has been severely criticised, the movement, however, espouses many real Islam ideals on politics and governance. The term Islam itself means submission (Dahmus, 1968). Islam as a religion requires its followers to unquestionably follow the guidelines of Allah, in all aspects of their lives, as given in the Holy book of the Muslims, the Quran. For this reason, even in matters of governance and politics, Muslims are supposed to follow the dictates of their Holy Book. And according to Quran, Allah is the sovereign ruler of the Muslims, and Sharia, given by Allah, is the constitution of the Muslims. Having explained the Islamic political thought, let us now turn to the Western theories of democracy, so as to compare the two political ideologies to find out wh ether they are compatible or not. Of recent years, democracy has been associated with the western world. However, the idea of Democracy was first mooted by the Greeks. According to Aristotle, one of the ancient Greek scholars and a severe critique of democracy, democracy is a rule of the people, by the people, and for the people

Monday, August 26, 2019

How do impulses affect the performer A comparative study between Essay

How do impulses affect the performer A comparative study between Stanislavski and Grotowski - Essay Example This evolutionary development of the art of acting is an effort that gradually developed through time, and the effort of various professionals in the visual arts. Earlier players simply relied on the imitation of characters, but as time went by, empirical observations from individuals interested in the field of acting led to the development of systematized models of training actors. The training of actors is essential for the sake of attaining the ‘make belief effect’ that is the essence of all theatre performances (Wolford, 1996, p. 38). This paper is going to evaluate the theme of imagination while considering how counter impulse and automatic impulse affects the performer in a comparative study between Stanislavski and Grotowski. The major highlight shall be the effect of impulse on theater performers. The development of literature containing principles of training actors has been a materialization that has gradually developed through time by various virtuosos in the field of acting. The process has been gradually and progressive with various professionals building upon other works by their predecessors in the field. The most renown amongst them is Constantine Stanislavski, Grotowski, Brooks, and Chekhov, just to mention but a few. Most of these contributors trace their ideas and their development to Stanislavski’s system of training actors (Wolford 1996). ... The system was designed to use a progression of techniques to aid the actors in drawing believable emotions in their performances. Grotowski’s work is quite different because it introduces the concept of impulses and their effects on the performance ability of the actors. Unlike Stanislavski’s approach that mainly focuses on physical actions, Grotowski’s system mainly emphasizes outward focused approach. In this approach, the actor focuses on channeling his or her inner impulses into action (Wolford 1996). Therefore, actions during acting are inspired or influenced by inner developed impulses. The current approaches to training are a combination of various contributions made by these forerunners in the field of actor training. Stanislavski’s method focuses on both the ‘external’ expression and the ‘internal’ generation of actions that humans engage in and tries to establish the connection between the two (Allen 2000, p .55). Accor ding to Stanislavski, the actions in the acting process generate emotions that are desired for the performance. For this case, each physical action has a psychological element, which is the psychological action which generates it (Allen 2000). On the converse, each inner psychological action gets physical expression in one way or another. This duality is basic to acting, and one may not solely exist without the other. Therefore, in this concept, an actor can begin by simple physical actions and penetrate the deep-most and complex experiences and feelings. The most important thing in ‘physical actions’ in acting is not the memory of the feelings, but rather what takes place that can lead to the creation of a feeling (Benedetti 2010, p. 71). In such

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Fast Food Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fast Food - Research Paper Example The response received has been produced in Exhibit I. The response received indicates that 60% ate weekly in fast food outlets and 17% informed that they have a habit of eating daily. This certainly is an indication that very high percentages of people have been eating in the fast food restaurants (Exhibit I). Why do you eat fast food? That was the second question that we asked. The 43% respondents said they do not have time to cook; while 35 percent gave the reason of the same being cheap and 22 percent gave the reason of fast services (Exhibit II). The lack of time is given a biggest reason for the consumption of fast food. The people prefer to eat fast food because it saves time and served quickly. Fast food does not cost much in comparison to regular foods. Eating fast food has several adverse effects on peoples life. Eating fast food frequently can cause several health issues which could be very expensive and cause a lot of inconvenience in persons life. Zhong and DeVoe argue that changing lifestyle has caused great changes in the ways people eat. People prefer fast food because it saves their time and efforts both. On asking about obesity–our third question, 60 percent of the respondent agreed with the statement that fast food causes obesity while 10 percent did not agree with it. Remaining respondents were not sure about that (Exhibit III). Child obesity is now a matter of great concern in the minds of policy makers. Research findings state that there is no nutritional value in such foods and that is also a cause of obesity among children. It has adversely affected the dietary and behavioural pattern of the children. The study done by Janet Currie et al. (2009) regarding the effect of fast food restaurants on obesity reveals â€Å"We find that among 9th grade children, a fast food restaurant within a tenth of a mile of a school is associated with at least a 5.2 percent increase in obesity rates† (p.1). Obesity, in the long run, becomes a cause of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Customer Service Operation and excellence (Scenario Based Project Essay

Customer Service Operation and excellence (Scenario Based Project Report) - Essay Example It is therefore important that the management of academic libraries understand that successful service organisations like successful product oriented firms, must understand the way the customer goes about making a decision to purchase a service, how quality is evaluated, and in what ways a company can present a â€Å"differential advantage† relative to the competition (Berkowitz et al. 1997, p. 352). According to Quinn (2007) in recent times the educational community, generally and the library profession in particular have placed increasing emphasis on the service quality model. This model has customer satisfaction as its primary objective as traditional measures of academic library quality such as collection size becomes secondary. In assessing service quality the customer compares expectations about the service offered to actual experience with the service. Gap analysis is a tool that is used to identify the differences (gap) between what is expected and what is experienced. According to Berkowitz et al (1997, p.353) this type of analysis requires consumers to assess their expectations and experiences on dimensions of service quality as described in the table that follows. Dimension Definition Reliability Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately. Tangibles Appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel and communication materials. Responsiveness Willingness to assist customers and provide prompt and efficient service Assurance Knowledge and courtesy of employee and their ability to convey trust and confidence to customers Empathy Caring, individualised attention that is provided to customers. Table 1 – Dimensions of Service Quality Adapted from Marketing 5th Edition – Berkowitz et al (1997, p. 353) Dimensions of service Quality in Academic Libraries In the context of service quality and customer satisfaction, of importance, is the need to look at the service that the library provides in order to see how i t can fulfil expectations. The role of the library is to provide resource materials for its customers. But, who exactly are these customers? They are students, administrators, faculty members and the general public. Reliability In terms of reliability the library must be able to provide the student with a book, journal or other resource material which will enable the completion of a required task. While the librarian is expected to provide the service in a timely manner, there is the need for the student to exercise some skills in how to access required materials to carry out his or her role. The librarian however, is available to provide some guidance but the student independence is of extreme importance in the development of worthwhile skills which will be required in the future. The student or faculty member will need, at some point in time, the necessary guidance from the librarian, who possess the necessary skills and experience, and who will be able to provide information and resources that will be useful in carrying out the required task in a timely manner. Tangibles While the aesthetics of the environment is of extreme importance, it is not very important in a non-profit making environment as it is in a profit making organisation. However, the library as a facility for research and a learning environment should provide a measure of relaxation and comfort that is conducive to studying. The emphasis is on providing an environment that will allow for the

Managing Contracts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Managing Contracts - Essay Example Contract management is not an exact science (Gray and Larson, 412) and there is no perfect contract management system (412). An effective contract management system acts as an interface between the buyer’s and the supplier’s organization. Individuals or teams applying the contract management system should have requisite technical, contractual, and business knowledge to understand both sides of the arrangement. A contract is a legally binding instrument typically carried out with customers, vendors, partners or employees. It includes negotiating terms and conditions and ensuring their compliance. A contract results when each party, the contractor and the customer, promises the other a valuable benefit. The customer must have all the funds ready for the execution of a project and cannot expect any benefits until the completion of the project. Contract or agreement is the document that enables the initiation and conduct of a project (Hill, 611). Contract is the confirmation of the customer’s request for the project and represents the contractor’s intent to achieve project deliverables and objectives (Hill, 611). Contract is more than a formal agreement between two parties and is a codification of the private law, which governs the relationship between the customer and the service provider (Gray and Larson, 413). Contract can be made with or within an organization. This usually means while one party promises to deliver certain goods, property or services by a specified date and the other party promises to accept the goods, property, or services and pay for them. Failure of one party to keep its promise may result in action by the other for breach of contract (Lock). Since contract management requires time and effort, adequate resources must be allocated to it. The conditions of the contract need to be clearly