Thursday, January 30, 2020

Tyler Perry Exploits Black America Essay Example for Free

Tyler Perry Exploits Black America Essay Actor, director, playwright, screenwriter, producer and, author Tyler Perry has taken Hollywood by storm. Perry has grossed close to $500 million in domestic box office receipts since 2005 (Smith) with his stage plays that have been turned into movies. Being ranked by Forbes magazine as the sixth highest-paid man in Hollywood (Daniels), Tyler Perry has revolutionized black entertainment by becoming the first black man to own a major movie and television studio in Atlanta, GA (Walker). I like Tyler Perry and enjoyed his early stage productions and films such as â€Å"Daddy’s Little Girl’s† and â€Å"The Family that Preys†. However, I struggle with his portrayal of black people, more specifically on his TBS television show, â€Å"House of Payne†. Perry’s â€Å"House of Payne† exploits African Americans as entertainment, combining slap stick comedy with regressive stereotypes with characters such as Curtis the Coon, Ella the Mammy, Janine the Drug Addicted, selfish Mother and Calvin the â€Å"Happy Negro†, remedial Player. I plan to deconstruct the â€Å"House of Payne† to reveal its minstrelsy nature and demonstrate how â€Å"House of Payne† does nothing to counteract racial assumptions that black people are ignorant, hip hopping, over weight jigaboos that are nothing more than comic relief. Tyler Perry supporters, who are mostly black, church going women, feel as though they can relate to Perry’s characters, strong Christian messages, and are happy that Perry keeps black actors on the big screen, and on television (Smith). Much has been said about Tyler Perry’s â€Å"House of Payne† and how it is a new millennium minstrel show. Minstrel shows consisted of white male actors, in black face that performed what they perceived as blackness. Performers of blackface interpreted blacks to be lazy, buffoonish, cowardly characters that often lied, stole and mangled the English language (Stark). Ultimately minstrel company owners hired black men and women, emphasizing that their ethnicity made them the only true delineators of black song and dance (Mahar). Black minstrels added religious themes to their shows while whites shied from that made them a popular hit amongst other blacks. Once minstrel shows began to decline in popularity, blackface continued by way of film (Mahar). One of the most notable actors was Lincoln Theodore Monroe Andrew Perry, also known as â€Å"Stepin Fetchit†. Although he was the first black actor to become a millionaire, the persona of â€Å"Stepin Fetchit†was the quintessential lazy, foolish, shucking and jiving Negro (White). Film critic, Armond White in his essay The Rehabilitation of Stepin Fetchit† asserts: â€Å"Should African-American performers be accountable to political correctness? To what degree should they worry that their antics shape the self-image of young African-Americans? Should they follow any standard other than their own conscience? Should they have a conscience? The psychological rationale for racism cuts two ways—flattering whites and defaming blacks—and it rebounded upon Stepin Fetchit and stained his soul. â€Å" Whites projected stereotypes onto black people and now we help them out: the buffoon, the Mammy and the Jezebel have been replaced with the ghetto fabulous drama queen, the feminized male, the thug and the dope fiend. Television is a powerful agent of information that not only shapes our way of seeing the world, but influences how we view and understand differences (Ford). The stereotyping of African Americans can partly be attributed to television limiting black actors to roles to jezebels, street punks, simple minded servants, and violent criminals. With the success of the Tyler Perry brand, Todd Boyd, Professor of Critical Studies at USC School of Cinematic Arts, asserted that Tyler Perrys works â€Å"are rooted in some of the worst stereotypes that have ever existed† (Svetkey, Watson, Wheat). Donald Bogle, author of Toms, Coons, Mulatoes, Mammies Bucks: An Interpretive History of Blacks in American Films, tends to agree: If a white director put out this product, the black audience would be appalled. The main characters in â€Å"House of Payne† are a married couple Curtis and Ella Payne, who are comparable to Ol’ Darkie and his counterpart Mammy in various minstrel shows. ‘Old Darky’ or ‘Old Uncle’ was usually the head of the black family (Stark), just as Curtis is the patriarch on the â€Å"House of Payne†. Curtis or Uncle Curtis is known for his loud over the top delivery, grumpiness, and brash jokes. Coons, are a source of amusement because they are complete buffoons (Toll). Every episode the audience can expect a slap stick performance from Curtis ranging from slapping of other cast members to the tumping his toe and falling over a chair. Ella is the exact replica of Mammy, which is one undeniable fixture in any Tyler Perry production. Ella is dark skinned, overweight, a great cook and singer and is the religious glue that holds the family together. Ella’s matronly demeanor causes for her well- liked by everyone and will put Curtis in his place when he gets irate. Tyler Perry replaces Mammy’s head wrap and apron and puts Ella in clothing that only exaggerates her unhealthy size. One episode, Curtis and Ella go on diets because they are at risk for diabetes and heart attacks. Curtis, who himself is obese, foolishly does a single jumping jack and falls out as if he just ran a marathon and hides snacks and fried food all over the house. Ella, who sticks to the diet for a few days constantly, nags Curtis about the risk factors. The story looks to be headed in a motivational direction as African Americans are twice more likely to develop diabetes than white people (CDC), however the scene ends with both of them abandoning their diets and exit to get a fried chicken sandwich (Perry). Curtis and Ella have a son, Calvin Payne who lacks common sense, motivation, yet is a self-proclaimed ladies’ man. Calvin is similar to â€Å"Happy Negro† who seems to relish in his stupid and immature nature (Stark) that causes any scheme or idea of his own to greatly backfire. Perry relies heavily on the well-worn stereotypes that black people have been subject to and Calvin is another Tyler Perry pattern. Calvin has had numerous relationships throughout the show and eventually gets married to Miranda, but finds out he’s fathered a child out of wedlock with an ex-girlfriend Tracie at the same time his wife reveals she too is pregnant. Perry strips Calvin of a dignified title of married man, father-to-be and to the stereotypical black man who is a low down, cheating â€Å"Baby Daddy†. In the doctor office scene where Calvin, Miranda and Tracie coincidently cross paths, Calvin is surprised that he has a son and asininely asks â€Å"how’d this happened? † The racists Dr. Marcos (who calls Tracie â€Å"Bonqueisha and Soul Sister†) scientifically dissertates that â€Å"when black people are poor, uneducated, unemployed and can’t play basketball, they have nothing to do but have sex† (Perry) and the laugh track spits out entertaining cackle. Where is the humor in that punch line? While some audience members can point out that we all know someone like that what Perry lacks is any compassion or ability to humanize these characters making them a moral, baby making caricatures (Smith). According to the CDC, at the end of 2007, blacks accounted for almost half (46%) of people living with a diagnosis of HIV infection in the 37 states and that is no laughing matter (CDC). Tyler Perry has been quoted saying that his characters are based off of real life people, especially the women he saw growing up as a young boy in New Orleans (Lapowsky). I believe that Perry’s work is a reflection of what he saw as a youth, however I agree with critics like Spike Lee and Edris Elba who maintain that it’s time for Perry’s work to be elevated and cease with the â€Å"coonery and buffoonery† (Svetkey, Watson, Wheat) as Perry’s work continuously delivers monolithic characters that are satirical at best. The House of Payne storyline takes place with three generations living under one roof because Janine, the wife of CJ who is also Curtis’ nephew, burns down their house to claim the insurance money to fuel her crack cocaine habit. She can be compare to the â€Å"wrench† or â€Å"Yaller Gal† who through the show, deserts her family to live as a dope fiend, then after she is rehabilitated, divorces CJ and becomes pregnant by a new man. The boyfriend is revealed to be sterile and after a drunken one night stand with CJ, process of elimination proves CJ is the father. Janine and CJ eventually remarry and by the final season, Janine flirts with the idea of having an affair with her boss. To protect the black women, you must also protect how she is being depicted regularly (Haven). White women are casted in various roles, however dating back to minstrelsy, black women are type casted as loud mouth, promiscuous, drug addicted breeders. It has nothing to do with talent, but choices by the studios and decision makers like Tyler Perry to determine what is projected. The entertainment business is just that, a business. As does any business, the entertainment industry relies heavily on supply and demand. If there is a demand, it is supplied. The support of Tyler Perry proves that there a demand for black entertainment. At the end of his stage play â€Å"Madea’s Family Reunion†, Perry as himself, addressed the audience saying â€Å"as long as yall wanna see Madea, I’ma do Madea† (Perry). In essence, as long as black people keep supporting Tyler Perry shows like â€Å"House of Payne†, he’ll keep feeding his audience the same chitterlings and cornbread. Tyler Perry has capitalized off â€Å"House of Payne† as he exploits stereotypes of African Americans. There are other ways to make us laugh and make money. Until black American stops clinging to such degrading material and demand more substance and social responsibility, just as those before us did with minstrel shows and blackface, Tyler Perry will fill the demand with more characters like Curtis, Ella, Calvin and Janine.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Pact Analysis Essay -- Essays Papers

The Pact Analysis Friendship is the support for most great inspiration. Friendship creates peer pressure, both positive and negative, and it is nearly unavoidable in everyday life. The author’s of The Pact were raised in the streets of Newark, New Jersey. They were faced with many dangerous decisions. Despite many tremendous distractions, they were able to apply knowledge gained from friendship and experience to help them through their lives to propel them to where they are today. As a child, I felt that having friends was the most significant cause in who I am today. Throughout my life I have had many friends who have influenced me in numerous ways, but now most of them have become distant acquaintances. Although the majority of these people have very little communication with me now, only a few childhood friends continue to still be a part of my life now. The most frequent is my first and best friend, Matt. Somehow this name creates a pattern that continues to show up all over my life. It seems that all of the closest friends that I have had in my life have this name. The communication between Matt and I was amazing and our connection was extraordinary. Matt and I were ten years old and we spoke to each other in a language that only we knew. The language was created out of personal words or phrases that we created to describe situations. Our understanding of life was endorsed by rare bonds, and close family relationships. The two of us became undividable when we first met in kindergarten. Matt’s parents were older in age than my parents. I thought his father to be a strict family figure, because of his experience as a retired PA State Policemen, and his hat that he wore proudly all the time displaying in large words â€Å"Vietnam Veteran†. His mom was very opposite in comparison with his father. She was pleasant and she seemed to take on situations with ease. Matt was a full year older than me, he was the last child in a family of four. His siblings were twofold his age, and I feel this significantly impacted the two of us. Much like Sam, Rameck, and George, the authors of The Pact, I was able to see and understand at a young age much of what could become of me by observing and learning what much of what my family, Matt’s family, and many of the neighbors around me had to teach. George, one of the authors of The Pact, tells how h... ... my old school that had now been taken away from me in my new school. Students wore more fashionable clothes, and their attitude was different from what I was used to. They were more arrogant and I didn’t know why. This new atmosphere was challenging, and because I hadn’t grown up in the area, I became lost. I remained alone, only talking to Matt over the internet, but after a couple years we simply grew distant. I was without a stable friendship, and because of this I was almost easily manipulated. George, one of the authors of The Pact, explains this situation by stating â€Å"[i]n my experience, friends have more influence on one another’s lives than most anyone else does especially in those teenage years when kids are trying to discover who they really are† (107). I, like the author’s of The Pact, gave in to peer pressure and in time learned many lessons. In order to be successful in life, you need to have positive influences, whether it is friends, nature, or family. Everyone at some point in time will suffer from not having these influences. The reality is that no matter what the circumstances, with the right attitude and determination, you can succeed and be successful. The Pact Analysis Essay -- Essays Papers The Pact Analysis Friendship is the support for most great inspiration. Friendship creates peer pressure, both positive and negative, and it is nearly unavoidable in everyday life. The author’s of The Pact were raised in the streets of Newark, New Jersey. They were faced with many dangerous decisions. Despite many tremendous distractions, they were able to apply knowledge gained from friendship and experience to help them through their lives to propel them to where they are today. As a child, I felt that having friends was the most significant cause in who I am today. Throughout my life I have had many friends who have influenced me in numerous ways, but now most of them have become distant acquaintances. Although the majority of these people have very little communication with me now, only a few childhood friends continue to still be a part of my life now. The most frequent is my first and best friend, Matt. Somehow this name creates a pattern that continues to show up all over my life. It seems that all of the closest friends that I have had in my life have this name. The communication between Matt and I was amazing and our connection was extraordinary. Matt and I were ten years old and we spoke to each other in a language that only we knew. The language was created out of personal words or phrases that we created to describe situations. Our understanding of life was endorsed by rare bonds, and close family relationships. The two of us became undividable when we first met in kindergarten. Matt’s parents were older in age than my parents. I thought his father to be a strict family figure, because of his experience as a retired PA State Policemen, and his hat that he wore proudly all the time displaying in large words â€Å"Vietnam Veteran†. His mom was very opposite in comparison with his father. She was pleasant and she seemed to take on situations with ease. Matt was a full year older than me, he was the last child in a family of four. His siblings were twofold his age, and I feel this significantly impacted the two of us. Much like Sam, Rameck, and George, the authors of The Pact, I was able to see and understand at a young age much of what could become of me by observing and learning what much of what my family, Matt’s family, and many of the neighbors around me had to teach. George, one of the authors of The Pact, tells how h... ... my old school that had now been taken away from me in my new school. Students wore more fashionable clothes, and their attitude was different from what I was used to. They were more arrogant and I didn’t know why. This new atmosphere was challenging, and because I hadn’t grown up in the area, I became lost. I remained alone, only talking to Matt over the internet, but after a couple years we simply grew distant. I was without a stable friendship, and because of this I was almost easily manipulated. George, one of the authors of The Pact, explains this situation by stating â€Å"[i]n my experience, friends have more influence on one another’s lives than most anyone else does especially in those teenage years when kids are trying to discover who they really are† (107). I, like the author’s of The Pact, gave in to peer pressure and in time learned many lessons. In order to be successful in life, you need to have positive influences, whether it is friends, nature, or family. Everyone at some point in time will suffer from not having these influences. The reality is that no matter what the circumstances, with the right attitude and determination, you can succeed and be successful.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Newspaper Reading and relating to The Human bill of rights

The first article (July 4) is about the growing dangers of Kuwait work trucks that travel on roads while being severely overloaded with logs, iron rods, furniture, and water. There are several reasons why these vehicles have become veritable road hazards responsible for numerous accidents. Reckless driving was cited as one of the highest cause of road accidents involving these trucks. Some citizens attested to instances showing drivers’ utter lack of consideration for pedestrians even to those who have physical disabilities. One man recalled an incident involving his cousin who was a cripple, who died after being run over by a lumber truck. Others cite poor vehicle conditions as another primary cause of accidents. One British expatriate living in Kuwait narrated how water tankers usually have bad brakes and how being overburdened with water makes it more difficult for truckers to maneuver.He also narrated about one instance of recklessness wherein the truck driver suddenly cut in front of him, almost killing him was he not able to step on his brakes. Another hazard was trucks with loose fastenings of furniture or iron bars. Such objects fall from the truck and cause trouble for motorists behind the truck. The article’s reporter discussed an incident about how he himself experienced one such incident. Safety measures taken to prevent hazards from vehicles on the road are vague. There are certain periods of time where the law prohibits trucks from driving inside the city but such laws are often violated by truckers and Kuwait’s local police seem to be inadequate in preventing such violations.This issue is clearly a violation of Article 3 of the Declaration of Human rights which seeks to protect the life, liberty and security of all persons. The truckers’ lack of discretion with regards to the pedestrians that they interact with constitutes an utter disregard to Article 3 which should be addressed by the Kuwait government, especially si nce the usual victims of such accidents are those who are disabled.The second article (July 5) is about how the Kuwait Parliament gives ardent attention to the needs of disabled individuals. The Parliament has released an order calling on state agencies to provide specialized services to people with special needs. Kuwait National Assembly member Saad al-Sharia discussed in the 4th Arab Parliamentary Symposium on Disabled Persons’ Disabilities how due attention should be provided to people with special needs especially in the aspect of integrating such people into society as productive individuals. The Parliament member gave emphasis on investing in the use of human resources in nation building and service.This move by the parliament is in respect of human rights. The parliament hopes to incarnate the deeper meaning of humanity and humanitarian causes towards the development of its civilization. Specifically, parliament aims to create specialized educational institutions to ad dress the needs of special children who are not able to learn through conventional means. Parliament aims to establish more centers for rehabilitation research. It also aims to modernize such institutions that currently exist. The project will also create clinics and entertainment utilities that can cover people of all ages and of all physical, mental and psychological disabilities.The third article (July 6) reports the strengthening of the Kuwaiti resolve to provide better governmental services. It discusses how the state is funneling ample finances and gathering substantial human resources to raise public awareness of special needs in its continuing advocacy for human rights. In an interview with Secretary of the Arab Parliamentary Caucus of the National Assembly Jamal Al-Kandari, it was revealed that Kuwait has already â€Å"mapped out† specific plans for disabled individuals to be properly integrated into the society and assume roles that will be both productive and fulfi lling.In the ongoing symposia for disabled individuals, legislation for the protection of the human rights of disabled individuals was also put into focus. Much emphasis was given on the current dangers that face disabled individuals in different parts of Kuwait. Dr. al-Shuraye’s lecture, he discussed that as these people are not as mobile as normal individuals, they are more prone to becoming victims of accidents especially on the road. It was concluded by the article that the Kuwaiti delegation will arrive at several useful recommendations to serve the interests of handicapped individuals in Kuwait.The fourth article (July 7) narrates how the Farwaniya Hospital in coordination with Kuwait’s Ministry of Interior has made the announcement of building a security kiosk at the entrance of the hospital. The move was made after several alarming actions taken by several individuals that threatened to harm both patients and doctors inside the facility. Several weeks prior to the announcement, it was reported that the hospital received an anonymous terrorist threat due to some of the relatives of the patients who were unhappy with hospital  management. Other instances involved violence perpetrated by relatives of patients who died while inside hospital care. The relatives of the deceased patients felt that the doctors were responsible for their relatives’ deaths and took matters into their own hands. Although no incident of serious injury has yet to be recorded inside hospital premises, hospital officials nonetheless became concerned with preempting any such possibilities from actually occurring.This prompted hospital officials to set up meetings to solve growing problems in securing hospital premises. It was brought up that the lack of means for proper visitor identification is the biggest risk that the hospital has of intrusion. This led to the forwarding of the idea of setting up a security kiosk that would be able to properly identify indivi duals visiting patients inside the hospital so as to secure hospital patients and personnel.The last article (July 8) discusses how Kuwait officials and concerned groups currently feel about Kuwait’s move to give emphasis to the human rights of disabled individuals in the region. Dr. Fahad Al-Wardan, the ministry’s Nursery Department Director stated that the government moves aimed at encouraging the disabled to exert more efforts in developing themselves educationally and morally. He said that this was also the aim of the movement for the general public; to have them well informed about the current issue of physical, mental, and psychological disabilities and in the process gets them to be involved in the government project. Dr. Al-Wardan discussed several findings with respect to research on disabled individuals, citing that both literature and actual research suggest that such individuals still have considerable potential to serve society.Dr Al-wardan also made refer ences to the existing government efforts on improving disabled individuals’ lives prior to the government announcement, stating that it was a fulfilling activity both for the recipients and the volunteers. He expressed satisfaction in the current progress of the movement in the country, and anticipation at the recently announced project of the Kuwait Parliament to give emphasis of disabled individuals’ well-being. Dr. Al-Wardan hoped that included in the parliament’s proposed plan was to increase the pay scale for social workers who are currently one of the lowest paid sectors in society. He emphasized on the role of social workers in providing guidance and assistance to the disabled. He also gave due credence to the major role that donations from private organizations have made to the overall effort of helping disabled individuals.The five articles are linked together with respect to their relationship to upholding human rights. In the first article, the danger s to individuals by the recklessness of certain groups in society were discussed as a violation of the tenets of article 3 in the declaration of human rights. The second article provides a possible response of government, the main protector of the human rights of a particular citizenry, to uphold such rights of a disenfranchised group in society identified as the disabled individuals.This was strengthened by the 3rd article which gave in extensive detail the proposed government plan to alleviating the plights of disabled individuals. The fourth article saw a similar plight related to the article  3 of human rights. This was the right to security that both doctors and patients in the hospital in question required. The government acted on that right by helping the hospital set up security measures to prevent future incidents from occurring. Finally, the last article reaffirmed the human rights of disabled individuals in the perspective of current actors in the movement.In conclusion , it can be said that although the prevalence of human rights violations can still be seen in the area of Kuwait, government is doing what it can to solve the issue. Government should always work hand in hand with the private sector, concerned individuals and volunteers, and disenfranchised groups themselves in order to detect societal problems involving violations in human rights and provide for the appropriate means for these problems’ eventual alleviation.References:A license to kill on Kuwait roads. July 4, 2007. Retrieved July 9, 2007 from Kuwait Times website: Parliament heeds people with special needs. July 5, 2007. Retrieved July 9, 2007 from Kuwait News Agency website: Kuwaiti support for disabled people. July 6, 2007. Retrieved July 9, 2007 from Kuwait Times website: ews.php?newsid=OTgyNjQ1NjQ3Checkpoint at hospital. July 7, 2007. Retrieved July 9, 2007 from Kuwait Times website: humanitarian deed. July 8, 2007. Retrieved July 9, 2007 from Kuwait Times website:

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Stock Market Development And Economic Growth - 819 Words

REVIEW OF LITERATURE Capasso, S (2006) in his paper â€Å"Stock market development and economic growth† stated that the development of the stock market is positively correlated with the level of economic development. It tries to study the relationship between the financial market development and economic growth. Empirically, it has always been proved that there is a positive correlation between stock market performance and economic growth, but in this work it has been tried to emphasize on the macroeconomic variable. Javed, T.M and Anwar, J (2001) in his paper â€Å"Investment barriers and stock market performance: an evidence from emerging market† states that the role of capital market is very crucial in the development of the national economy. The correlation in stock price indices as well as correlation in stock return among emerging market with the US market has increased after the financial reform B. V (2014) in his work â€Å"Impact of macroeconomic variables on stock market performance in India: - an empirical analysis† states that the study investigates the relationship between the Indian stock market performance and five macro-economic variable. The stock prices tells all the information about the expectation of the future performance of corporate firms. Singh, R in his paper â€Å"Globalization and capital market reforms: impact on the efficiency of the Indian stock market† tries to find out the effect of economic changes on the efficiency of the Indian stock market from 1991-02, theShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Financial Development And Economic Growth Using Time Series Modeling1303 Words   |  6 PagesThis thesis explores the long run relationship between financial development and economic growth using time series modeling. 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